U-Space designs and builds next generation small satellites

Our services

U-Space Preliminary study


Determine the cost and feasibility of your mission.

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U-Space construction Nanosatellite


Design and build modular , high-performance small satelittes.

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Operations support service

support service

Maintain your space system in operational conditions.

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Who are we ?

U-Space accompanies you through your project, starting as early as the feasibility study, to convert your needs into an operational project.

Following 5 years of experience with the CNES, we have worked on various projects. Priding ourselves on modern tools, our team is able to build your space project with you.

As System Designers, we are able to have a global vision of your project.
Whether it is for a commercial service, a scientific mission or even a Defence mission, we will be able to answer your needs with a turnkey solution.

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Our Vision


At U-Space our goal is not only to deliver exceptional products and services, but also to share adventures with our partners and clients. These space projects are, above all, a human adventure where we are stronger together. We work hand in hand with our clients to build solutions together, to answer to their needs.

U-Space Aventure
U-Space Challenge


At U-space we think that the desire to miniaturize keeps on growing. We are passionate about the innovative and technological challenges that are at the heart of ambitious projects to improve life on Earth. Today, these satellites of assembled high technology offer the possibility of new horizons to space exploration.


At U-Space, technological progress is at the heart of our business. This growing interest for space sciences, exploration and earth observation, and the constellations of tomorrow will enable us to significantly increase the experience of humans and solve major societal problems.

U-Space High Technology

Do you have a specific need ?

Do not hesitate to contact us, we will be pleased to discuss your project together, in order to develop your space mission cooperatively.

They trust us

U-Space partner ISAE SUPAERO AIRBUSBpifranceU-Space partner CNES